pátek 28. března 2014

Nihilistic punk-rock is good for you!

The Vandals jsou další americkou punk-rockovou kapelou, pro níž mám slabost. Vyznačujou se hlavně odlehčeným přístupem ke svým textům a muzice. Zejména právě chytrý texty, napsaný s velkou dávkou nadhledu, jsou jejich největší devízou. Já osobně mám nejradši jejich melancholicko-nihilistickou polohu...

Children are lovely before they get ugly, and learn to do bad stuff.
Flowers are pretty before they get shitty, and rot and turn to dust
I heard that life is a wheel and you can't make it stop
If you try it'll flatten your head
It's a circle of shit we're in the middle of it
but soon we'll all be dead

Like everybody else that ever lived before, the things you make fall to the floor
and nobody knows how hard you tried, it's been that way since the start of time:
There was a caveman that did some amazing things
but nobody here gives a fuck
And in a thousand years they'll feel the same
towards all the things you've done

So don't worry what might give you cancer
or stay up nights just wanting answers
Its just a crap shoot, but it's mostly crap
things start off they're so terrific
they'll fuck up it's scientific
Entropy, uncertainty won't yield to you

Love at first sight on a beautiful night and a feeling so divine
gets sucked down the toilet cuz something will spoil it
with the good times left behind
Don't try to figure out who's at fault
powerful forces abound
like a twig in a river of the universe
tomorrow you'll probably drown

So don't worry if it is a tumor
all this will be over sooner
Its just a crap shoot, but it's mostly crap
things start off they're so terrific
they'll fuck up it's scientific
Entropy, uncertainty won't yield to you or you

And all the things that matter most
disappear, here's a toast
to erosion and corrosion, Alzheimer and pain

Don't try to figure out who's at fault
there's powerful forces at play
and if you lose your legs and have to beg
it's really all the same

So don't worry what might give you cancer-
or stay up nights just wanting answers
Its just a crap shoot, but it's mostly crap
things start off they're so terrific
they'll fuck up it's scientific
Entropy, uncertainty won't yield to you, or you

Well it's a great big world that's filled with disappointment
We're maggots in the ointment just squirming to get free
And now the future's got much more than you can handle
Don't try to light a candle. Let's curse the misery
And as we head for certain doom, don't give up so soon
Till every one of us is dead and vengeful Armageddon has arrived

'cause we'll have a drink and throw a parade
And greet the rapture screaming "Hoary!"
And hope someone jumps on the grenade
But no one will
We'll all be killed and we will thrill as blood is spilled
And even the bravest of us run away
We'll all get laid

'cause you still got dreams that haven't been pissed on
And you still got things that you'll never get done
And you'll keep on running like a rat on a wheel
And keep on wondering what is the deal
What was the point? And how come it ends this way?
Well no one knows, we've only got today

And as the lights go dim, don't think it's all so grim
At least we all go out together heading off to never-never land

'cause we'll have a drink and throw a parade
And greet the rapture screaming "Hoary!"
And hope someone jumps on the grenade
But no one will
We'll all be killed and we will thrill as blood is spilled
And even the bravest of us run away
We'll all get laid