neděle 30. srpna 2015

Innsbruck & Tirol

Pár fotek z parádního vejletu do Tirolska. Byl to epesní tejden, výborný výjezdy na kole, via ferraty, chození po hřebenech a nějaký ty večírky.
Celá galérie jest zde.

Angry Tourist visits Stubaital
začátek Stubaitalu
přespávačka v Ötztal
tits (česky sýkorky)
kravky zaplotem

videozáznam bude brzo! 

úterý 18. srpna 2015

Rainy mornin' tune

Well, you can run and hide as much as you want
You'll never outrun the thoughts in your head
You can abuse yourself as much as you want
But only hurt your friends instead
Take up a lost cause if you like the odds
When you know its too little or too late
You won't find a way to escape your fate
You'll just procrastinate

You suffer from: Lack of inspiration; no motivation to plan ahead
No job, house, foreseeable future
Have you listened to a word I've said?
She said ya, ain't got no responsibility
The way you live scares the hell out of me
She said ya, ain't got no responsibility
I said, maybe your problems ain't so different from me
Ain't got no responsibility
The way you live scares the hell out of me
Ain't got no responsibility
I said, maybe your problems ain't so different from me
I said, maybe we're the both the same you see

Well you can fool yourself as much as you want
A false sense of security--
--wont hide the fact that you suffer the same anxieties
Your actions are just distractions from the questions you don't ask
So take stock of everything you got
It won't make up for what you lack

(chorus x2)

Separated by one thing wrong, maybe we ain't that different at all

sobota 1. srpna 2015

Daily Angerrr

Angry Tourist gets outraged while biking Singltrek pod Smrkem
Singltrek with one-of-a-kind Hefr Hmota
Ty vole, krtek!
krásy Severu
krásy Severu
blondýny na Labi
Jó, ta pražská zákoutí
Jihoitalskej feeling na severočeský benzínce
močící člen somálskýho ZZ Top revival bandu
pozdě domů
po šesti letech jsem na Fluff Festu opět uzřel kapelu Trial